Mature Trading course (Long Term trading focused)

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Lasts 2 months, twice per year: May/June or November/December

Trading course presentation (PDF file):

This professional trading course has a special focus on Long Term trading and investing.

The Mature Trading course is intended for traders or investors that having proven themselves on our first trading course, Introduction to Professional Trading, or throughout their trading careers want to develop themselves into seasoned Long Term traders or investors.

After having completed this course, the trader will have the necessary capabilities to join any professional Trading, Fund Management or Portfolio Management teams around the world, just to name a few, or be on their way to start their own businesses in the area.

This course also introduces seasoned trading professionals in the area to a different approach to markets, one that is often used in the United States of America.

This approach and its ideas set a very practical way to go about trading, one that is results driven and somehow innovative in so many different ways.


This professional trading course has a special focus on Long Term trading and investing.

It is a deeply thought through and laid out trading course enabling any trader going through it to actually trade professionally financial markets.

The Mature Trading course includes a revisit to our first professional trading course, Introduction to Professional Trading.

This will allow everyone going through this professional trading course to be on the same page when learning the Long Term trading approach put in place.

Chapter I – Introduction to the Course

Chapter II - The complete Trader

Chapter III - A System

Chapter IV - Implementation

Chapter V - Putting it all together – Long Term

1: System Design

2: How to derive Long Term Context

2.1: Introduction

2.2: Methods

2.3: System development guidelines

3: Long Term system implementation

3.1: Introduction

3.2: Methodology

3.3: Tactics

Chapter VIII – Conclusions

1: Psychology

2: Systems


The course lasts 2 months and is available twice per year (May/June or November/December) with 2 online classes per week, each spanning 2 hours.

Lessons and sessions will last until you fully understand the concepts being taught.

This is our commitment to you.

What you can expect:

The course is composed of online and face to face (if possible) learning sessions, trading and financial markets Q&A sessions and full on coaching and mentoring of your trading capabilities focusing on Long Term market operations.

All prices will be added applicable taxes.

All payments are final and non-refundable.

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